Monday 9 July 2012

2012 07 09 - Gardening Guru – Hoya: Climbers, Creepers and more (A Talk)

Singapore Garden Festival - Garden Fiesta
Gardening Guru – Hoya: Climbers, Creepers and more (A Talk)
Hoya (Apocynaceae, Asclepiadoideae, or milkweed subfamily) is a genus with high horticultural potential. Most species have brightly coloured scented flowers and attractive foliage. Hoyas are grown outdoors in most tropical and subtropical climates, and are popular houseplants elsewhere. They are very versatile plants that would grow happily as epiphytes on trees as in their natural environment, in vertical landscaping or in pots. Michele Rodda, a Hoya specialist, has been growing Hoya  for more than ten years and has recently established a research collection of Hoya at the Singapore Botanic Gardens. He will explain how to cultivate and propagate some of the most attractive species and how to get them to flower and  put on their best displays. He will also present some of the most recent research that led to the cultivation of new species.

About the Speaker
Michele Rodda is Senior Researcher at Singapore Botanic Gardens Herbarium. He focuses his research on the taxonomy and systematics of the highly diverse genus Hoya (Apocynaceae, Asclepiadoideae, or milkweed subfamily). He has described new species from Borneo, Myanmar, the Philippines and Vietnam, and is currently preparing various accounts of Hoya in the region, including Papua New Guinea, Brunei, Singapore and other Asian countries. Having recently established an ex situ research Hoya collection at the Singapore Botanic Gardens to support taxonomy and conservation, he will be presenting his first hand experience of cultivation of Hoya in Singapore climate.

This talk is suitable for all gardening enthusiasts.

For more information on the Singapore Garden Festival's Stage Programmes, please refer to the programme booklet. For ticketing, please refer to the Singapore Garden Festival website.


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